A Golden Update
The Golden Age Club naturalist walkabout event is set for next
Sunday June 5th from 1 to 3 o’clock at the Feldman’s Cutthroat Brook Tree Farm Trails.
The simple flat naturalist walkabout event healing logistics has unfolded nicely.
Do know that this Feldman’s Cutthroat Brook Tree Farm gnome Flatlanders trails is unfolding with a splendid display of colors, plants, flowers and sweet sounds of many bird sounds and harmonic tunes.
So here are the series of events and happenings so that we all are on the same trail of understanding and communication.
Out on the Trails;
NQTA’s flute player Kevin Berard and meditation professional Alex Graziano will be working in tandem with a cutting edge new holistic program of Music to Meditation on how the 2 in a naturalist setting have complete symbiotic healing powers and capabilities.
Rob Jalbert and his family crew will be joining us to create a true naturalist walk with a fun educational tutorial on identification on all these naturalist unfolding wonderments of wildlife and plants.
I have reached out to new guitar player Genny Burtis for the expansion of the powers of music in these holistic events
I will be asking Chieftain gnome and landowner Susie Feldman to join us on her amazing historical and naturalist education, infectious enthusiasm and smile.
Last new holistic team member Amber Holloway and NQTA VP Capt. Linda will have available some of the finest holistic and arome therapy artisan products out at Serenity Cove, pretty cool.
So NQTA’s event helpers this is in all hands on deck call out as the diversification of groups and event travelers abilities needs individual attentions.
Bobby Curley
NQTA Trailwhisperer nqta.org
Our new Rolling Thunder besties at the Feldman’s Cutthroat Brook trails, Chieftain gnome Susie and a natural beauty.